Monday, January 24, 2011


What every woman needs at one point or another is a good piece of chocolate.  Now, unlike many, I am not a chocoholic.  In fact, I don't really eat that much chocolate at all.  However, there are times when I must have a piece.  Friday was one such occasion and as I was heading through the checkout I grabbed one of these.

I have had my fair share of Dove dark chocolate, but I was blown away by Bliss!  So, when you have a chocolate craving, I recommend trying some Bliss.  It really is what it says.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

For Christmas I received the second item in my most recent collection.  When I was preparing for a home of my own, I wanted to start collecting figurines from the Willow Tree figurines.  I remember always going to my Grandma's house and looking at her many Precious Moments in their glass home, and to me Willow Tree was my version of Precious Moments.  Without even telling anyone, I received my first Willow Tree (exactly the one that I wanted) as a wedding gift.  Then for Christmas, I received this one from my parents.

Each Willow Tree figurine that I have (the two of them) or the ones that I want to add to the collection have special meaning.  This one reminds me of the new addition to our family.  These symbolic figurines are what make them a few of my favorite things.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

One of my dearest friends introduced me to a special magazine about two years ago.  I LOVED it.  Inside was filled with household tips, coupons, style advice, and recipes.  I was sad when my subscription ran out, but my husband made my Christmas when he told me he had renewed it for me!  I highly recommend everyone check out this magazine.  You can subscribe at or pick one up at your local Wal-Mart.  Check one out and let me know what you think.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This week I love empty boxes...

Yes, as a child an empty box brought hours upon hours of entertainment.  They were nests, covered wagons, space ships, cars, and many other things, but even as an adult I can enjoy an empty box.  Mostly, this is because right now, and empty box signifies progress.  Yep, after moving almost two weeks ago (has it been that long already?) we have already emptied several boxes.  Pretty much all that's left is the boxes full of books.  Now, if only we had shelves to put them on...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house.  ~Henry Ward Beecher

A house without books is like a room without windows.  ~Heinrich Mann

I have a college degree in English.  Therefore, I am crazy about books.  I love to read all kinds of books.  I love to share books.  I love to talk about books.  So, around my house you'll find several books.  Actually, you'll find more books than there are shelves to store them.  There are even boxes just stacked, full of books.  This being the case, sometimes here, I'll just have to share about a book.

When I was probably nine years old, I found a little book for 50 cents.  It was called Little Women.  I read it and read it and read it again.  Soon, I moved on to the  full version of the book.  It soon became my favorite.

I've now read Little Women (the full version) probably 9-10 times.  Many people shy away from it, since it's so old and long, but there are so many things in the story that apply to today.  I am always enchanted by the adventures, relating to the characters, and learning just a little about life then and life now.  So, I encourage you, if you've never read Louisa May Alcott's most famous work, try it.  It will probably take some perseverance through parts, but the feeling of accomplishment and the enjoyment from the story will definitely outweigh the difficult parts.  Read it, and let me know what you think!  I'm always up for a good literary discussion.    

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yes, there are many things I love, and I would love to share them with you, so I will.  Today I'm sharing something that seems simple, but it is one of my favorite things.

This item is from Pampered Chef, which of course has many great products, but this one is a little more simple than their average item.  It is my my microfiber towel.

This is not same color as the one that I have, but it is my all-time favorite towel.  It's absorbing powers are AMAZING.  If you have some extra cash and want a quality towel.  Get a hold of one of these towels from The Pampered Chef!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

One of my favorite magazines is All You.  It has great information on clothing, makeup, recipes, cleaning tips, and lots of coupons!  If you haven't seen this before, check it out at your local Wal-Mart.  I highly recomend it. 

I'm all about helpful cleaning tips, and the last issue had some that I hadn't hear of before, so I thought that I would share with you.  Here are 5 random cleaning tips, to help make things easier.

1.  Use ice to clean grease off of the blades of your garbage disposal.  Drop in ice cubes, run cold water and turn on the disposal.  (This sounds horrible as you are doing it, but it works!)  Drop down some lemon or lime peels to help stop those smells too!

2. Eliminate odors in your fridge or freezer by placing a bowl of new or used coffee grounds in there.  Change the grounds every 1-2 months.

3. Use Play-Doh or a piece of bread to pick up those shards of glass that you can't see.  (You know, the ones that you always step on.

4. Slice a potato and use the inside to rub mud off of boots, the floor, or even material.  For material rub the potato on the mud, and then throw the material into the next load of laundry.

5. Use a new tennis ball to rub scuff marks off of the tile, vinyl, or wood floor.  It can even work on painted walls!